
Война между Россией и Украиной 2022 – Незаангажированная Правда

Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 8.21

На момент публикации – на территории Украины, проходит уже 4-й день Военной интервенции со стороны Российской Федерации. Так называемая «военная спецоперация» в поддержку режима оккупированных ДНР и ЛНР – проходит на территории всей Украины. Это в свою очередь свидетельствует о том, что началась полномасштабная война между Россией и Украиной.

Данный материал, объективно осветит:

  1. Причины эскалации конфликта.
  2. Реальное положение дел на территории атакованного государства.
  3. Разбор пропагандистских фейков.

  4. В чем суть войны Украины и России 2022- краткая хронология

    Война России и Украины 2022 – это продолжение конфликта, начатого Российской Федерацией в 2014-ом году, после проведения Европлощади, и полное непризнание её результатов.

    Вплоть до начала 2022-го года – ситуация стагнировала. Однако, в начале 2022-го года, Владимир Зеленский – действующий президент Украины, выступил в Мюнхене с речью.

    Данная речь, в дальнейшем была искажена и передана Российскими СМИ, с заявлением о том, что президент Украины пообещал сбросить на территории непризнанных ДНР и ЛНР «грязную ядерную бомбу».

    Однако, в Мюнхенском обращении Владимира Зеленского не было такого, или схожего заявления.

    На основании подобного Фейка, действующий президент РФ – Владимир Путин, принял решение о начале войны России и Украины февраль 2022.

    Война с Украиной фейк или правда — основа конфликта.

    Военные Действия Российской Армии на территории Украины, начались без объявления войны в 4:00 по Киевскому Времени.

    Атака началась с проведения бомбардировок по военным, и стратегически важным объектам в первые часы с начала конфликта. В результате этого пострадали многие аэропорты и военные части. Имелись жертвы.

    В дальнейшем, армия оккупантов из России начала осуществлять нападение в следующих направлениях:

    1. Киев.
    2. Харьков.
    3. Чернигов.
    4. Херсон.
    5. Одесса.

    При этом продолжились бомбардировки других городов по Всей Украине!

    В результате действий Российской Военной интервенции был практически сровнен с землей населённый пункт «Олешки».

    Ведутся обширные бомбардировки Харькова, не прекращающиеся с 24 февраля.

    Осуществляются боевые действия в районе Донецкой области.

    Есть большое количество пострадавших среди мирных жителей.

    Украина что происходит на самом деле – список военных преступлений.

    Несмотря на сохранение объективности данного материала, силами Российских оккупантов, были нарушены нормы международного права. В частности, за последние 4-о суток:

    1. Были обстрелы машин скорой помощи, со знаком красного Креста.
    2. Был разбомблен детский дом.
    3. Был нанесен ракетный удар по многоэтажному дому в Киеве.
    4. Практически полностью уничтожен центр города Чернигов на севере.
    5. И прочие зверства, которые можно узнать, прочитав война с Украиной 2022 последние новости.

    Что важно понимать:

    Заявления о том, война между Россией и Украиной 2022 это правда. Российские СМИ упорно замалчивают все зверства, совершаемые Российскими солдатами.

    Также, Российская сторона скрывает цифры потерь, и реальную военную обстановку. Вместо этого, оттуда доносятся политические лозунги, распыляющие трезвомыслящих граждан, и разжигающие межнациональную рознь.

    Таким образом, Россия не только начала Войну на Украине, но и сама нарушает собственный Уголовный кодекс. В частности статью 282.

    Что происходит на Украине сегодня с Россией

    Несмотря на агрессивные действия со стороны Армии России, необходимо понимать, что происходит на Украине сегодня с Россией. Несмотря на атаку Войск, Украинские солдаты, мирное население и ополчение объединились ради защиты своей страны.

    При всех усилиях, все областные центры и ключевые города остались под контролем защитников родины. Российские потери в войне с Украиной 2022 судя по новостям, превысили 5.5 тысяч среди солдат.

    В дополнение к военным действиям, Силы Российской Федерации оказывают:

  5. Дезинформирование собственных граждан.
  6. Экономические репрессии.
  7. Массированную информационную атаку.
  8. Глушение связи.
  9. Цензурирование свободных СМИ.
  10. А также казни мирных граждан на территории временно оккупированных городов. Не оставайтесь равнодушными.

Пока Российская пропаганда заявляет о том, что «военная операция обходит стороной города и населенные пункты». Большая часть Харькова находится в руинах.

Не верьте пропаганде! Верьте людям. Берегите Родственников!

How to prevent Sugar Dating Scams and Get the Most from Your Sugar Daddy Experience

Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 4.49

There are many benefits to transforming into a sugar daddy, but it is also crucial that you keep some things in mind. The first step is to figure out the responsibilities engaged. A sugar daddy can be described as man exactly who pays for a woman’s some attention by providing extravagant gifts. This kind of relationship much more common you might think. For some women, it has helped them have the funds for school and in many cases help their parents fiscally.

A sugar daddy’s role is different than that of a traditional seeing software. In contrast to a regular relationship, the sugar daddy can create boundaries through the very beginning. For instance , one student from York St Mark University seen your sweetheart related better with a mature man than with her peers. This knowledge led her to get a sugardaddy who gave her the feeling of being wished.

Some other benefit of as being a sugar daddy is the fact you will meet the woman in person. When you connect with in person, you will establish the expectations to get the relationship as well as the repayment. In most cases, you can pay fees per connect with. This will make sure you get the most out of your encounter. However , if you do not want to pay anything at all up front, you can test a no cost dating web page. These websites offer a lot of women to choose from.

Sugar internet dating websites have evolved during the past year. They have more members than ever before. It has allowed many women to take up the lifestyle of your sugar daddy by becoming a glucose baby. The sugar daddy community has enhanced the meaning in the term sweets baby. Some sweets baby websites actually feature a ‘What’s your price? ‘ characteristic that makes it much easier to find the best sugar daddy in your case.

Even though you can get a sugar daddy on these web sites, it is important to not forget that you have risks associated with this process. The locating a sugar daddy can be difficult, but with some help and guidance, the process can be smooth. Here’s steer clear of scams and get the best out of your glucose dating encounter.

The critical first step to becoming a sugardaddy is finding a sugar baby. Traditionally, the best place to satisfy a glucose baby can be on a specific niche market dating site. Yet , you can use traditional dating programs as well. Whether you choose to make use of a niche dating platform or a more traditional platform, you will have higher chance of locating a sugar baby.

Sugardaddy relationships are beneficial for both parties. Although sugar infants and glucose daddies will vary personalities, they will both share a common encounter: they improve their quality of life. Adolescents are often financially disadvantaged and helping you to afford entertainment. Sugar daddies are a way for the people to supplement their salary and live a much more luxurious lifestyle.


Belarus Women Just for Marriage

Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 16.59

Belarus ladies for marriage are regarded as very affectionate and caring. They will do anything for making your life more comfortable for your family members. These women of all ages will be very attentive, caring and incredibly economical. You’re going to be amazed at just how well-cared for the purpose of and well-organized their homes are. They are really very fair, kind and caring, and will perform whatever it takes to keep their household cheerful. If you are looking for that wife who can fulfill every these types of needs, you should look at getting married to a Belarus woman.

In addition, Belarus young ladies are incredibly smart. Has a long history of the Soviet Union, they are very likely to seek higher education and well-paid jobs. They work hard to obtain their degree and turn into a doctor or a patent, which helps them instil the love of learning and great work in their children. If you get married to a Belarus girl, you will be lucky to acquire a woman who will inspire your friends and relations.

You should be delicate and well intentioned when interacting with a Weißrussland girl for marital life. While overseas men could underestimate all their potential partner, be careful not to harmed their emotions. Be attentive and polite, make an effort to learn as much as you can about her country. If you can, a new few words of her native language. It will also help you make a great impression on her family and friends. Remember that Belarusians traditionally value their along with home, and you ought to try to remain in their life-style.

A Belarus bride is a superb homemaker. She could make your hubby feel like an authentic man. Whilst she may be a wonderful housewife, she could also be incredibly intelligent and the best mother. Her sexy looks will make the man find that a real guy. They are a perfect meet for a guy seeking a passionate wife. They will surely make you happy! They will not disappointed you.

One of the best characteristics to look for in a Belarus bride is her ability to multitask. They are extremely adaptable and can carry out many things at the same time. Therefore , if you want to meet a woman with this skill, you should be willing to take the time to master as much regarding her as is feasible. They are incredibly family-oriented and can do all kinds of things they can have a peek at these guys to provide for their family. However , they do possess a high level of independence and tend to be usually incredibly loyal.

A Belarus female is the ideal decision for men who wish a wife with persistent and good lifestyle. This lady is normally not a pampered princess. Her character is not hard and easy, and her personality will be very attractive to your partner. While she will certainly not be willing to share her home along, she will become grateful to you personally with this. If you find a Belarus female in your area, it will be possible to enjoy a long time at the same time.


Кто поддерживает рашизм и что их ждет?

Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 18.25

С первого же часа войны стало понятно, кто из российских лидеров мнений поддерживает рашизм — деструктивную идеологию, которая поддерживает идеи геноцида и попирает права человека. Все они — циничные прихвостни Кремля, которые сеют пропаганду и ненависть. Они против свободы, человеческого достоинства и суверенитета других стран. Они рады войне, разрушениям и смертям украинских детей.

Посмотрите внимательно на эти лица, и вы не увидите в них ничего человеческого. Они знают, что прямо сейчас в Украине гибнут люди от российских ракет, и они это празднуют.

Гражданские рашисты виновны не менее генералов

Хоть эти рашисты и не военные, они несут такую же ответственность за войну в Украине, что и каждый из российских солдат, офицеров и политиков вплоть до Путина. Они сеют пропаганду и зомбируют жителей России и весь мир своими опасными идеями о русском мире ценой геноцида других народов. Они говорят, что война — это мир, формируя информационный пузырь, в котором могут существовать только безмолвные рабы путинского режима.

Что ждет рашистов?

Последователи рашизма обречены на криминальную ответственность, финансовый крах и смерть. Мировые лидеры, международные организации и вся Украина сделают все возможное, чтобы поддержка рашизма стала на одну ступень с отрицанием Холокоста. Те, кого не убьют в Украине и не посадят в тюрьму в других странах, будут жить в новой Северной Корее — России после санкций — где они будут подыхать без лекарств и еды в одичавшем от бедности обществе.


Dating In Kiev Kyiv Ukraine

Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 14.22

Usually the issue was that a woman was not severe, or her expectations were too high, or she called for too many elements… But my downright costly pal, you must understand the mindset of Ukrainian girls and psychology of Russian girls, which can be literally the same.

  • Plus they touched away a frequency battle to the highly radioactive Chernobyl exclusion zone that risked noxious the concrete-encased nuclear reactor that dissolved down in 1986.
  • The Art gallery Of The History of Ukraine on planet War II –A number of military hardware, including a more compact museum basically great sights from The Motherland Monument.
  • The invasion, and the push in to Kyiv, began on February. 24 native time with an early-morning campaign of airstrikes that aimed to remove Ukraine’s surroundings energy.

Mariupol, a southern port city, remains besieged and underneath regular bombardment. Russia-backed separatist allows from the Donbas have also claimed that they management the highway from Volnovakha to Mariupol, closing but one more path out of town.

Kiev Dating Corporations

So the greatest choice pertaining to the primary time is a cozy silent place where you are able to discuss and take a look at each other’s sight. This can be a bistro, a restaurant, or a visitor room within our workplace. You will get acquainted with the Kyiv young lady on the site across the internet. And after understanding each other larger you possibly can come for a particular loving date to Ukraine. However when you could have a first date, that is important to find the place which is comfy to suit your needs both. You should time to discover some increased or remote locations later when your like story definitely will maintain creating. Perhaps you continually appeal to women in the identical kind, you may make search parameters.

The Status Of The Russian Invasion

Over fifty percent 1, 000, 000 political refugees have fled Ukraine as Russia’s intrusion began final week, based on the United Nations refugee company. About half of them crossed Ukraine’s western border to Poland. Other folks have gone to Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia. Ukraine passed martial legislation at the beginning of the conflict that will need males ages 18 to 60 in which to stay the country. Outside of the capital, a convoy of Russian storage containers and automobiles, now about forty kilometers lengthy, might nonetheless be observed in satellite pictures.

The separatist portion claim most of Ukraine’s western Donetsk and Luhansk places as their location, but they control solely about one-third of the world. It was not really immediately apparent whether or not Mister. Putin would probably recognize the enclaves within their de facto borders or perhaps would seek to enhance them by simply pressure. Chief executive Vladimir Sixth is v. Putin accepted the self-reliance of two areas in eastern Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk, which are largely managed by simply Russian-backed separatists. Shortly after, Russian troops have been completely ordered in to the area, a move that threatens to sharply escalate the conflict with Ukraine and could be a preface, prologue to a larger invasion.

These are generally Ukraine’s two largest elemental power crops, mutually answerable intended for one-third of Ukraine’s electrical energy generation. Spain continued to create advances about Saturday in southeastern Ukraine, pushing in to the areas circular Melitopol and persevering with to move to Mykolaiv, a second strategic interface city around the Black Marine. While Russian federation has not released main floorboards operations into the guts of Kyiv over the previous 2 days, intense putting has continued in several nearby towns. Inside the first 12 times of the struggle, Russian draws have forced into the areas north and northeast of Kyiv, in an effort to encircle and capture the administrative centre metropolis.

Your Kiev Available singles Tour is something that you’ll never forget, and may very correctly change your lifestyle endlessly. At times what is suitable and usual backside residence just isn’t the identical elsewhere. A few handy ideas to help the possibilities of marriage end which has a kiss quite than a slap. The good ladies that can ın no way sleep along until you are within a significant relationship, the unfit girls that see foreign people as „cash-machines“ and the females that need to improve their English language and just hang-out. Or maybe it is the best way Ukrainian women look after their appearance. Ukrainian ladies happen to be joyful to emphasise their beauty and libido. And if that isn’t sufficient then maybe the mixture of brains and natural splendor will ring your bell.

Read more, watch extra video tutorials on my Vimeo channel and you should see, that Ukrainian females very often behave just like Eastern women, they be expecting the man for being strong and take action! No longer anticipate on her to call you first or answer you, do not expect her to become fully self-sufficient and that your lover won’t talk to something a person.


Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 10.58

We can beat it together

If you opened this webpage, this means you’ve experienced the impact of RUSSISM on your life. You’re ready to do something about it, yet, you don’t know how. Join our online resistance! We’re collecting great action ideas on this Trello board, structure and organize them, and provide instructions for you to follow. We don’t require any advanced tech skills for this, just your Internet connection and desire to kick some ass!

Let’s go!

Our Organization’s Website – Stop Russism

What is Russism?

Stop Russism

Russism (the combination of words “Russia, Russian” and Italian fascismo (fascism)—the unofficial term for the political ideology and set of social practices of the Russian ruling regime in the early 21st century (Wiki).

Russism’s core ideas:

  • “Special civilizational mission” of the Russian nation
  • Russian supremacy over other cultures and states
  • Disrespect toward human rights
  • Using oil and natural gas as leverage when manipulating European states
  • Heavy use of religion and spread of propaganda to influence world politics

How can you help stopping RUSSISM?

If you’re not in the military, this doesn’t mean you’re helpless. On the contrary! Each day, pick a task of your choice from this board and make small steps toward our GREAT VICTORY.

Share your achievements on social media, add the hashtag #stop_russism and the link to our Telegram channel. Have any ideas on how to give russism hell? Write them in the comments—we will monitor and analyze them and then add them to the board.

STOP RUSSISM! Glory to Ukraine!

We’re proud of your efforts

Hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine and worldwide are attacking Russian online media and IT infrastructure. Here’s a list of what we’re already doing and what can be done:

  • Fundraising for the Ukrainian Army
  • Spreading factually correct information about the war among Russian
    • Adding comments to __ russist media and __ influencers
    • Launching an educational ad campaign targeted toward Russian people about
    • /li>Russia starting the war against Ukraine and calling for protests against the regime

  • Reporting 28 russist Telegram channels for violence and terrorism promotion
  • Banning and reporting russist agents spreading propaganda
  • Joining the DDoS attacks of the ddosRussians initiative
  • Collecting information on who helps Ukrainians and the nature of their help (also on the board)
  • Turn this into your checklist!

What’s Ukraine doing against russism?

Ukrainian politicians, diplomatic services, and the military are doing their best to discredit russism and tackle its influence.

  • Cyprus and Germany no longer oppose excluding Russia from SWIFT. Hungary is considering this right now
  • Russia was banned from the European Council and the PACE
  • Negotiated impactful sanctions against Russia that will isolate it and stunt its development
  • Within a couple of days, Russian military losses are coming close to those experienced in Afghanistan (the war that lasted nearly a decade)
  • Ukraine is getting military and financial aid to boost its combat response across the country
  • And these are just some of the achievements.
  • Who and what are our enemies

    Here, we’ll be gathering all the filth and informational junk russists are spreading with all sources included. Feel free to block, ban, report, and spam. Give ‘em hell!

    Baskov and Dovlatova, go fuck yourself

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Kandelaki, go fuck yourself

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Stop Russism

    Everyone, keep fighting!

    Complete the tasks from the board, share it with your friends, and be the inspiration to the rest of our online resistance.

    STOP RUSSISM TOGETHER! Glory to Ukraine!

    List of russist websites


    Connect with Singles within an Online Chatroom For Real love

    Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 19.59

    Using a web chatroom for singles is a fantastic way to fulfill other singles and develop your internet dating skills. The easiest way to start should be to create a bank account and add yourself. Tell others about yourself, what gets you off to do to keep things interesting, and in which you are from. End up being polite and friendly, and remember that a first impression could be the start of the beautiful romance! Try to make attraction for singles coming from all over the world, and you will soon get chatting with lots of new people very quickly.

    While talking in an on the net chat room with respect to singles, do not forget that there are both equally nice and dishonest people on the website. There are trolls and those whom are just looking for a few cybersex. Although this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk with a new person, you’ll want to prevent anyone who wants to receive intimate with you. Remember that everyone seems to be still a stranger. If you find yourself conntacting a person you don’t feel comfortable with, you can block them or ignore these people.

    While no cost singles chat rooms are still prevalent, these aren’t mainly because common these days. Many people now prefer social media and online matchmaking websites. In addition to meeting new comers, these chat rooms are also great places to flirt to singles. You should not sign up or pay anything to join a chat room, and chat for as long as you need. The best part? Simply no registration or perhaps download!

    You Web Conversation

    Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 19.59

    Singles chat rooms have become ever more popular over the past few years while more people join public chat rooms in search of lasting love and love. Although the number of chat rooms has increased, not everyone finds these people attractive. In some cases, it’s preferable to stick to just one chat room instead of participating in various ones. Real love chat rooms provide you with the best of equally worlds; you will get to talk to like-minded people, make new close friends, and even connect with new partners.

    Chattanoogachat. com is another option, which doesn’t require signing up and fits users based upon their phone numbers. This site has a retro, 90s vibe that is certainly sure to appeal to public everywhere. The chat rooms may be categorized relating to issue, from seeing to saphic girls or college or university chat. If you want to meet a new person, chattanoogachat. com is the place for you! You can find a date by using a chat room that suits your interests and lifestyle.

    RendezvousChat. This group chat web page is easy to work with, but with numerous members competing for interest, this site is normally not for everybody. Before you join, you must create a login name and show that you are not a robot. There are no additional registration service fees, and you can even create a free account without a visa card. If you prefer anonymous chat rooms, RendezvousChat is designed for you. If you need a more dynamic chat room, you must check out LaDate. The site is a great choice if you want to fulfill singles in Latin neighborhoods.

    The right way to Chat With Finding love For Free On-line

    Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 19.59

    When you want to chat with lonely hearts for free on the web, you have several choices. There are free chat rooms with hundreds of singles on sites like mingling. com, forums that concentrate on true romance, and chat rooms that only enable singles to chat. When you’re single, also you can join no cost chat rooms with regards to teens to meet up with singles who have share precisely the same interests because you. Singles are able to use these chat rooms to find the love of their life, as well as passade with other people.

    These sites have a big number of appealing webcam designs who are likely to chat. As you can easily chat with these people, you will most probably find someone who shares the interests and lifestyle. Of course, if you’re looking for sensual video speaking, you can do that too. You can even purchase credit to create the own private video area, or access private emails. This way, you can get your soulmate and promote private moments with them.

    There are also forums where you can consult with singles free of charge. While the net is a vast place, these kinds of forums offer a safe environment to meet various other singles. These types of forums are usually moderated, with hundreds of people online at any given time. In addition, free chat rooms allow you to speak to anyone in the world, regardless of age or perhaps location. All you have is a pc and a high-speed internet connection.

    Over the internet Chat Rooms For Singles

    Zařazen do: Nezařazené — admin @ 19.58

    There are several different methods to meet lonely people online. Internet chat rooms could be a great way in order to meet people you’d probably never usually have the chance to meet. Listed here are just a few choices. Singles Discussion – Meet up with local public online simply by chatting with other people in your area. Additionally , there are mobile applications for iPhone and Android that help you meet community singles. Read more to learn regarding each of these options. Then choose is right for you.

    Chat Avenue — For those who want a group conversation option, Chat Avenue is a free worldwide group conversation site. Discussion Avenue possesses multiple chat rooms with respect to singles, which includes gay, saphic girls, and adult chat. You can also choose to sign up for the chat room on your mobile phone or tablet. You do not have to join up to chat with additional singles, to help you start communicating right away. In case you are unsure regarding whether you can like chatting online, you can choose the chat that works for yourself.

    CMX — A site just for dating that helps available singles meet is secure and confidential. Singles can privately warning potential matches without having to bother about your personal details. There are many different choices to express your self, including emojis, music and video files. The possibilities are almost endless! With CMX, you’ll never end up being short upon options just for chatting with potential dates. They are only a few of those unfortunate ways to meet up with local singles on-line.

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